Ellex Ultra Q Reflex



True Coaxial Illumination TCI ™

Focal accuracy, efficient energy delivery for anterior and posterior YAG treatments

The Ultra Q Reflex™by Ellex is a specialized YAG laser designed for precise posterior capsulotomy and other ophthalmic laser procedures, primarily targeting posterior capsular opacification (PCO), vitreolysis (laser treatment for floaters), and other anterior segment conditions. The device stands out for its accuracy, safety features, and Ellex’s patented Reflex Technology™, which enhances treatment precision and visualization.

Key features of the Ultra Q Reflex include:

1. Reflex Technology™: This technology optimizes the doctor’s view of the target area by reducing optical misalignments and reflections. Reflex Technology minimizes the risk of off-axis floaters and increases targeting accuracy, especially important when working close to the retina.

2. High Precision for PCO and Vitreolysis: The Ultra Q Reflex delivers highly precise pulses for efficient PCO treatment, which helps restore visual clarity post-cataract surgery. It’s also effective for treating floaters in the vitreous, offering patients a non-surgical option for floater management.

3. Low-Energy Delivery: The laser uses low-energy pulses, which help reduce patient discomfort and minimize the risk of collateral tissue damage. This is particularly beneficial in procedures like capsulotomy where precision is essential to avoid complications.

4. Microsurgical Safety Features: Designed with advanced safety and control features, the Ultra Q Reflex helps protect sensitive ocular structures, providing ophthalmologists with more confidence when performing delicate procedures close to critical areas like the retina.

The Ultra Q Reflex™ is widely valued in ophthalmic practices for its advanced technology, safe application in delicate eye treatments, and enhanced precision for posterior and anterior segment laser procedures.

AKL: 21203125906




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